Tuesday, December 29, 2009

There's a bird in here!

LOOOK! There is a bird toward the top of the tree....omg. What? How? Has Kosmo seen it. No..it's all mine. Now how do I get to the top of the tree?

Carefully....Carefully. The tree is swaying but I'm ready to pounce.. Gottcha!

Stupid snowflake....I guess that bird is higher. Yes, he's still there. Higher..Careful........ GOTTCHA! BITE>>>>

BLAH.....yuck....hard as a rock. FAKE! Okay get this stupid tree and it's fake birds out of her already! Geez.


linda said...

that fake bird is as bad as mr duckie

Roman T Cat said...

You said it Linda! Not only am I still harrassed by that duck in the pool...now I have a sequined dove mocking me from the top of the tree. What is up with humans and their fake stuff?