Monday, August 17, 2009


The girl human found some of our baby pictures! I've heard her talking about wanting another kitty. I' would try to trade in Kosmo and see if I get a better deal, but is sounds like there would be a third kitty instead. The boy human keeps pointing at us and saying it's going to be one of's going to be one of them. Maybe these kitten photos will help and she won't get another kitty.


Jana said...

you guys are so very cute!

Anonymous said...

Roman go get kosmo to read this it is not for your eyes, ok now kosmo tell the girl human to get another orange kitten to help you with the orange nation. cousin wiskers

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Their cuteness makes up for being naughty ;)

Roman T Cat said...

Thank you everyone... I can't believe she would want another kitty when she has all this cuteness right here!

Wiskers, I didn't fall for your trick and there will be no more orange kitties here in Romanoffland.